Make-up Contest- I’m a Virgo Lady

Hi everyone 😀

I’m in a new contest. A wonderful contest 😀 A MAKE-UP CONTEST ❤

Could you advertise me and vote my make-up set?? Pleaseeee…

Thanks for who vote and advertise me and follow me here..


Virgo make-up

Contest Fashion Week

I am participating in a contest for the best outfits of the fashion shows S / S of this year .. Do you like my outfits?? And for you?? what’s the best outfit??
VOTE MEEEE 🙂 Pleaseeeeee..
Comment here for say to me some outfits that you like 🙂
With love..
DanielaFashion Week

New York Fashion Week

Here is a little shoutout by the Fashion Week of NYC. I LOVE IT!!!!
new york city fashion week

Religion clothing | A MUST!!

Hi everyone, I just discovered a new fashion label: Religion Clothing.

It’s an original and fantastic fashion label and it has a large variety of clothes. I’m in love with them.

How they descrives themselves :

“Religion is devoted to the pursuit of individual style; lyrical quotes, musical muses and British heritage have always been heavy influences behind each collection. Inspiration from London’s east end and international street culture has been integral in shaping the brand’s much loved signature. “

Go to visit them. You will not be disappointed.
