Make-up Contest- I’m a Virgo Lady

Hi everyone 😀

I’m in a new contest. A wonderful contest 😀 A MAKE-UP CONTEST ❤

Could you advertise me and vote my make-up set?? Pleaseeee…

Thanks for who vote and advertise me and follow me here..


Virgo make-up

New York Fashion Week

Here is a little shoutout by the Fashion Week of NYC. I LOVE IT!!!!
new york city fashion week

Wedding outfit

Qualche tempo fa sono andata ad un matrimonio ed ecco come mi sono vestita. Spero vi piaccia, se si lasciate un commento se no lasciate pure una critica. Grazie di tutto.

Some time ago I went to a wedding and here’s how I’m dressed. Hope you like, if you like leave a comment if no please leave a critique. Thanks for everything.

ImmagineVestito – Sisley


ImmagineShoes – Cafènoir

Immagine watch – GucciImmagine



